May 21, 2010

Facility Care - Michelle Johnson

Michelle Johnson came to GCC in 2004.  She came to attend a program GCC offered and started checking out the services.  "I was one of those sitting there thinking they were talking about me.  The message, desires and grace of God was finally put to me in simple dialog and related to what I live each day."  Michelle works part-time on the Facility Care team.  During the day, you'll find her at Liberty Mutual where she has worked for 30 years.  Michelle went from Ledger Clerk to Senior Account Analyst, to part-time Work Comp Rater, to Assistant Supervisor, to Liability Rater (hated it), to Secretary for Building Superintendant to her current job as Administrative Service Supervisor.  Michelle has a daughter and a son (both married) and a beautiful new granddaughter.

Here are some fun questions we posed to Michelle to help you know her better.

What do you like to do for fun?

Play!  Darts, pool, cards, air hockey, ping pong, bowling, dance, anything that keeps me moving and social.

If you could drive any car, what would it be?

Old...1965 Ford Mustang Convertible
New...Toyota Solara Convertible

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

Any place to white water rapids, canoe, hike, horseback ride, etc.

What is your favorite movie?

A Fish Called Wanda

What is your favorite worship song?


What is your favorite comfort food?

Popcorn...I especially like the butter, caramel, cheese mix.

What is your favorite book?

Charlotte's Web (read it 13 times).

What was the most meaningful gift you've ever received?

Patridge Family Christmas Album on CD

What is your favorite room in your house?

Rec room in my's the place friends and family congregate.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."  Hebrews 11:1

Mar 22, 2010

2nd Shift Facility Care Supervisor-Lavon Kil

Lavon Kil has been on the Facility Care team since 2005 and recently accept the position of Supervisor for the 2nd Shift.  Lavon has been married to Bruce for 13 years and she has three boys...Michael, Thomas and Matthew (ages 33 to 19).  Family is a huge part of Lavon's life.  When asked what she likes to do for fun, she responded, "Spend time with my family.  We laugh a LOT when we're together."  Lavon comes from a big family...5 sisters, 1 half-sister and 5 stepbrothers. When you get to know Lavon, you quickly realize that she lives her passion, which in her words is "to love others like Jesus does."

What follows are questions we asked Lavon so you can know her a bit more.

Where have you lived?

Port Huron, Michigan; Furth, Germany; Junction City, Kansas; Clarksville, Tennesee; Grand Rapids, Michigan; Warsaw, Indiana; South Bend, Mishawaka and Granger, Indiana

When did you start coming to GCC?  What brought you here?  What made you stay?

When my youngest started in Oasis '02, he asked me to volunteer.  Then, I went to the Women's Retreat and roomed with Judy Gregory and other volunteers from Oasis.  My son kept asking me to come to church.  After the first service I attend, I felt my spirit was fed and couldn't wait to come back!  I have been here ever since.

If you could drive any car, what would it be?

'66 Mustang Coupe

If you could travel anywhere for pleasure, where would it be?

The mountains in Colorado or Jerusalem

What is your favorite movie?

Polar Express

Do you have a favorite worship song or artist?

Jesus Never Fails - This is also a promise that has sustained me throughout my life.

What is your indulgence?

Buying gifts for my family at Christmas

Do you have a pet?

Yes, a Jack Russell named Jacoby Ellsbury (Jac, for short).

What is the most meaningful gift you have ever received?

When I turned 16, my oldest sister bought me my very own Bible.  I still use this one even though that was over 30 years ago.

Do you have a favorite sport?  Team?

Football and Notre Dame

If you could teach anyone a life lesson, what would it be?

That just because the people in your life (parents, grandparents, foster parents, etc.) are a certain way, it does not mean you have to do and say the same or end up that way (addictions, verbal abuse, physical abuse, etc.).

What is your favorite Bible verse?

"Jesus wept." John 11:35
To picture Him crying makes me think of how much He loves us!

Sep 9, 2009

Facility Care - Chuck Ditto

Chuck Ditto has been at GCC since 1991. He came because family and friends invited him, he stayed because it was a great place to raise a family. Chuck has been married to his wife, Liz, for 24 years and they have two daughters, Rachel and Nicole. Chuck works on the Facility Care team evenings and weekends. During the day he works at 1st Source Bank. When Chuck's not working, you can often catch him the summer on the Turf Techs team and in the winter on the Snow Removal team.

Here's a little more to help you know Chuck better...

What do you like to do for fun?
Play golf or work in my yard

If you could drive any car, what would it be?
Something fast

Do you have a favorite worship song or artist?
Michael W. Smith

What is your favorite comfort food?
Cookies & Milk

Do you have a pet? What kind? Name?
A cat named Hope.

If you could meet anyone past or present, who would it be?

Do you have a favorite sport? Team?
Football...Michigan and the Chicago Bears

If you could teach anyone a life lesson, what would it be?
Live each day to its fullest!

What do you want your legacy to be? Or how do you want people to remember you?
As a fun guy and good dad.

Facility Care - Jenny Rairdon

Jenny Rairdon has been a member of the Facility Care team since 2007, but her relationship with GCC began long before that in 1994. Jenny's mom and sister were attending GCC and for Mother's Day, Jenny and her husband, Mike, attended. They liked the music and dramas and being part of something that was new and growing. They've been at GCC since then. Jenny is a graduate of Penn High School and Indiana University. Her passions in life are Jesus and her family. Her position at GCC allows her time to devote herself to the things most important to her. Jenny and Mike have been married for 16 years and have three children...Lindsay, Ben and Jake.

What do you like to do for fun?
Clean my house.

If you could drive any car, what would it be?
Mini van with a DVD, automated door and back wiper.

What is your favorite movie?
Sweet Home Alabama

What is your favorite restaurant?
Don Pablos

Do you have a pet? What kind? Name?
A cat...Max and a dog...Josie

What is your favorite sport? Team?
Baseball. The LA Dodgers. I grew up in California and we used to go see the Dodgers play. For that reason and all the good, old memories, they will always be my favorite.

If you could teach anyone a life lesson, what would it be?
Don't put things off.

What do you want your legacy to be? Or how do you want people to remember you?
Loving mother, Godly woman.

May 4, 2009

Director of Facility Care-Lori Casto

Lori Casto has been on the Facility Care team since 1998. In 2003, she became the Director of Facility Care. Lori is from Niles, MI and is a graduate of Brandywine High School. Lori and her husband Bob have been married for 26 years and they have two children Adam, 24 and Josh, 21.

If you could drive any car what would it be?

Pontiac Solstice

What is your favorite movie?

The Little Mermaid

Why did you come to GCC? What made you stay?

We were invited by a friend and we stayed because we were inspired by the our kids asked us if we would come back, WOW!

Do you have a pet? What kind?

Wire-haired dachshund named Pippi

If you could meet anyone past or present who would it be and why?

Moses because he was insecure about himself but God did great things through him.

Do you have siblings? What are their names?

Kevin, twin brothers Kent & Kurt, Lisa and I'm the baby.

What is your favorite beverage?

Spark vitamin-drink by Advocare

If you could teach anyone a life lesson what would it be?

That everything belongs to God and we are just stewards of it.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6

Mar 6, 2009

Maintenance Supervisor-Tom Zachary

Tom Zachary became our Maintenance Supervisor in December 2000. Tom, a Clay High School graduate, was an electrician for 18 years before starting at GCC. Tom has been married to his lovely wife Anita for 15 years. Tom has a son, Steven, 24 and he and Anita have three children...Noah, 10; Joshua, 8 and Makayla, 5.

What follows are questions we posed to Tom that will help you know him a little bit more.

What do you like to do for fun?
Fish and play golf

If you could travel anywhere for pleasure where would it be?
I enjoy the ocean, so anywhere I can be by 80 degree water

What is your comfort food?
Captain Crunch cereal

If you could meet anyone past or present who would it be and why?
Dave Ramsey, he has a heart to help Americans take control of their future and finances, and not the government

What is your favorite book?
Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

What is the most meaningful gift you have ever received?
My wife and children

Feb 16, 2009

Director of Campus Operations-Greg Martin

Greg Martin became the Director of Campus Operations in October 2008. Greg’s past experience includes auto technician, plastic prototype maker (Greg made the prototype for the first McDonald’s Norman Rockwell Christmas ornament), machinist, industrial millwright, industrial electrician, industrial engineer, associate pastor, youth pastor and facility manager. Greg and his wife, Diane, have been married 30 years on Feb 3rd. They have two grown children, Josh, 27 and Kristina, 25 and two grandbabies, Cadan, 4 and Maddi, 18 months.

What follows are questions we posed to Greg that will help you know him a little bit more.

Why did you come to Granger Community Church?

The ask of a friend.

Why did you stay?

God's extravagant love shown to me through the people of GCC.

If you could meet anyone past or present who would it be and why?

Nehemiah. I would want to ask him about following God and about his leadership and boldness in rebuilding the wall.

Do you have a favorite sports team?

Indianapolis Colts

What do you want your legacy to be?

A God-follower and God-lover. As someone whose life was radically changed by God and he never looked back.

What do you like to do for fun?


If you could drive any car what would it be?

Corvette ZO6

What is your favorite room in the house?

The garage